Sample blog

November 03, 2020
Birdee (week 2) : the impact of lowering the investment amount
November 03, 2020
Birdee (week 2) : the impact of lowering the investment amount
Article by Aurélie Meyer, Head of Compliance & Risk Birdee. When we launched Birdee - our B2C robo-advisor- in 2017, one of our main goals was to get market insights first-hand from our customers. Wit […]
October 30, 2020
Profile of the month : marketing & sales trainees
October 30, 2020
Profile of the month : marketing & sales trainees
October 28, 2020
Birdee (week 1) : the impact of covid on our b2c robo-advisor
October 28, 2020
Birdee (week 1) : the impact of covid on our b2c robo-advisor
Article by Ken Van Eesbeek, Head of R&D. When we launched Birdee - our B2C robo-advisor- in 2017, one of our main objectives was to get market insights from customers directly. With the feedback and i […]
August 13, 2020
3 consequences of covid on savings and investments
August 13, 2020
3 consequences of covid on savings and investments
Read more about the view of our CEO Geoffroy de Schrevel on the impact of COVID on our save- and invest behavior. FULL ARTICLE. (in french)
July 16, 2020
Axa bank steps into personal banking with the technology of gambit
July 16, 2020
Axa bank steps into personal banking with the technology of gambit
At the end of 2019 we started to work with AXA Bank on a brand new investment advice software dedicated to Personal Banking. We are happy to announce that this solution is live.
July 15, 2020
Profile of the month : linda matab
July 15, 2020
Profile of the month : linda matab
Name : Linda Matab Age : 39 years old Position: HR Director Education : Labour sciences- Coaching- NLP Master Patricien -Insight Discovery