A royal pitch at Euronext

On Monday November 28, Gambit has been invited to pitch at Euronext in Amsterdam. The Amsterdam Stock Exchange building was a perfect place as computers had progressively replaced traders, a very good illustration of the disruption Fintechs bring to the financial industry as explained by Swift CEO Gottfried Leibbrandt.
The « Belgian-Dutch innovative entrepreneurship and finance conference » discussed where Finance and technology companies stand in Belgium and the Netherlands. The conference has been held in the presence of Their Royal Majesties the kings Willem-Alexander from Netherlands and Philippe from Belgium.
Gambit's CEO, Geoffroy de Schrevel, was amongst the five selected Fintechs that were given the opportunity to present their activities. It is in this royal context that he described the key features and goals of the solutions developed by Gambit. He explained how they can help financial institutions in their digital transformation.
The inexorability of this change was indeed shared amongst participants to the conference. "It is a Copernician revolution that we are facing" stressed Benoit Legrand, Group Head of Fintechs at ING, who urged banks to rapidly meet news consumers demands. "Customers want to take control of their finance. Money owns to them and we have to change our mindset. There is no way back for banks to change !"
Gambit has precisely built solutions with the clear objective to give more autonomy and freedom to consumers. It’s probably the reason why Ralph Hamers, CEO of ING Group, kindly praised her : to the question about which pitching company had his top vote, he answered… Gambit. Thanks to him for this nice clap on the shoulder in front of the highest authorities of our countries !