Gambit launches Birdee

On 15 September 2015, at the Global Distribution Conference organised by the Alfi in Luxembourg, Gambit announced the launch of its Birdee solution.
The opportunity to exchange with the Minister of Finance, Pierre Gramegna, who emphasised that "the Fintech wave will not only revolutionise the bank industry, but also the sector of investment funds."
Throughout his intervention, Pierre Gramegna reminded that the annual investments in the fintechs rose up significantly from 2008 to 2013, moving from 928 million dollars to 2,97 billion dollars. They should reach between 6 billion and 8 billion by 2018, according to an Accenture report. The progression margin remains important in Europe, "because we are now lagging behind. We must catch up as soon as possible," the Minister added.
(Alfi : Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry)