Next stop ... Singapore!

After 12 years successfully providing profiling solutions, portfolio management and risk management in the European market, Gambit Financial Solutions is expanding overseas. Beyond our hometown Liege as well as sites in Brussels, Luxembourg and Paris, brave beginnings await Gambit with its new activities in dazzling Singapore.
Having lived in 8 countries and speaking 5 different languages, Gabrielle de Neve is proficient to head the venture. In her 7 years working for Gambit, Gabrielle has gathered varied experience in several roles, including her latest as the head of ASEAN markets. Continuing to develop broadening international horizons is the logical progression for a smart Fintech company like Gambit. South-East Asia is the logical next stop on our journey, as the ASEAN market is young, urban and highly connected to their mobile phones.
In this exciting expanding market, Gambit proposes the products ‘Birdee’ and ‘Forrest’ to financial institutions as part of the BtoB market there, working closely to continue to put the customer at the heart of investment advice and drawing from our roots in the academic scientific community at HEC-University of Liege. We are proud to add a light this June to the already bright Singapore skyline and looking forward to future activities in other locations soon.
For more information about one of the events Gambit will be attending in Asia please click here.