News & articles

May 07, 2020
A time for purpose-driven banking
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, […]
May 07, 2020
A time for purpose-driven banking
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, […]
April 30, 2020
Profile of the month : jean-françois albala
April 30, 2020
Profile of the month : jean-françois albala
Name : Jean-François Albala Age : 37 Function : Account Manager Education : Bachelor degree in law - Helmo Liège " People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it ". What's your background before […]
April 09, 2020
A popular savings fund to support smes affected by covid-19
April 09, 2020
A popular savings fund to support smes affected by covid-19
A few days ago, Professor Georges Hübner, co-founder of Gambit, Birdee's parent company, proposed setting up a state participation fund to support the solvency of small and medium-sized enterprises, h […]
March 23, 2020
Profile of the month : julie gilson
March 23, 2020
Profile of the month : julie gilson
Name : Julie GILSON Age : 27 Function : Product / Squad owner Birdee Education : Double degree, Master in law and management sciences, ULG - HEC Liège " Great things in business are never done by one […]
March 17, 2020
Trends gazelles 2020: 5th place for gambit
For already 19 years, the editors of Trends-Tendances and Trends select 225 "Trends Gazelles" within every Belgian province. These growing businesses are not only a source of energy for our economy bu […]
March 17, 2020
Trends gazelles 2020: 5th place for gambit
For already 19 years, the editors of Trends-Tendances and Trends select 225 "Trends Gazelles" within every Belgian province. These growing businesses are not only a source of energy for our economy bu […]
January 31, 2020
Can fintechs sail a sea of fear?
January 31, 2020
Can fintechs sail a sea of fear?
Article by Geoffroy de Schrevel, CEO. Hold on a minute… A few months ago, I was invited to attend a meeting with a bank’s top executives and a few board members. On the agenda, the topic read: “The Im […]
November 15, 2019
A robo-advisor for life insurance :
In a context where negative rates and with the adoption of the PACTE law, the objective of which aims to steer French savings towards the real economy, players in the life insurance market must adapt […]
November 15, 2019
A robo-advisor for life insurance :
In a context where negative rates and with the adoption of the PACTE law, the objective of which aims to steer French savings towards the real economy, players in the life insurance market must adapt […]
June 25, 2019
Next stop ... singapore!
June 25, 2019
Next stop ... singapore!
After 12 years successfully providing profiling solutions, portfolio management and risk management in the European market, Gambit Financial Solutions is expanding overseas. Beyond our hometown Liege […]
January 31, 2019
Collibra-succes inspireert belgische fintech in parijs
Belgische fintechbedrijven streden gisteren in Parijs om aandacht op het Fintech Forum. Het succes van Collibra, de eerste Belgische miljardenstart-up, gaf een boost. Pitchen in een voormalig beursgeb […]
January 31, 2019
Collibra-succes inspireert belgische fintech in parijs
Belgische fintechbedrijven streden gisteren in Parijs om aandacht op het Fintech Forum. Het succes van Collibra, de eerste Belgische miljardenstart-up, gaf een boost. Pitchen in een voormalig beursgeb […]
December 05, 2018
Gambit hack’ademic : a success for this first international hackathon!
December 05, 2018
Gambit hack’ademic : a success for this first international hackathon!
Participating in a hackathon is not a first for Gambit! But this time, it is on the organizing side that the Belgian company has placed itself. 13 teams, 52 students, 3 countries, a few dozen coaches. […]
December 03, 2018
Gambit moves into pôle image in liège
December 03, 2018
Gambit moves into pôle image in liège
A page has been turned for Gambit Financial Solutions. Ten years after its creation, the company specialized in financial softwares left Forgeur street to move into new premises in Liège. More spaciou […]
October 02, 2018
Birdee for partners successfully launches at patrimonia!
October 02, 2018
Birdee for partners successfully launches at patrimonia!
Fintech Gambit Financial Solutions presented its new solution " Birdee for Partners", an advisory platform dedicated to IFAs/WMAs at the annual Patrimonia wealth management meeting held on Thursday 27 […]
June 14, 2018
Une solution globale à base d'etf
Gambit Financial Solutions fait partie du club restreint des fintechs belges, les algorithmes développés dans ce groupe liégeois étant déjà utilisés dans les services de conseil d’investissement d’une […]
June 14, 2018
Une solution globale à base d'etf
Gambit Financial Solutions fait partie du club restreint des fintechs belges, les algorithmes développés dans ce groupe liégeois étant déjà utilisés dans les services de conseil d’investissement d’une […]
April 01, 2018
Birdee, a whole new way of saving money
Birdee, the savings management solution designed by Gambit Financial Solutions, has been available in BtoB for our institutional partners since 2016. Now, it is also open to all individuals looking fo […]
April 01, 2018
Birdee, a whole new way of saving money
Birdee, the savings management solution designed by Gambit Financial Solutions, has been available in BtoB for our institutional partners since 2016. Now, it is also open to all individuals looking fo […]
January 27, 2018
Pension gap : a new tool for axa bank belgium
January 27, 2018
Pension gap : a new tool for axa bank belgium
On December 11, 2017, AXA Bank Belgium announced the launch of a new tool to support its clients in anticipation of their retirement. This tool, GPS, has been deployed in collaboration with Gambit Fin […]
September 07, 2017
A strategic partnership with bnp paribas am
September 07, 2017
A strategic partnership with bnp paribas am
Today is a great day for Gambit Financial Solutions. The day when we can officially announce that BNP Paribas Asset management acquired a majority stake in our company. The fact that the assets manage […]