Profile of the month : Julie Gilson

Name : Julie GILSON
Age : 27
Function : Product / Squad owner Birdee
Education : Double degree, Master in law and management sciences, ULG - HEC Liège
" Great things in business are never done by one person. They are done by a team of people ".
What's your background before joining Gambit's family?
I graduated in law and from HEC in 2017. After my studies, I did a traineeship at Delhaize to become a store manager.
What were your reasons for joining Gambit?
I quickly realized that traineeship in this large retail company didn't make much sense to me. I heard about Gambit through a friend who told me about its corporate culture: a young and dynamic team, different profiles, a good atmosphere and the possibility to quickly get responsibilities. It resonated with my aspirations and here I am in 2018, pushing the door of Gambit.
Can you describe your job at Gambit?
Squad/product owner Birdee Money Experts: my main responsibility is to define and develop a product that will bring the maximum business value to users within the time and budget allocated to the project (this is done through features that offer users a smooth and easy journey). It is then necessary to plan these developments and follow up within the development team.
What do you enjoy most about your work?
The diversity of profiles within the team. This allows each person to bring his or her own added value.
What are the challenges of your job?
Three specific challenges come to mind:
First of all, the need to respect the schedule: when a request is made, it has to be analysed (functionally and technically), then quantified and only then scoped and developed. This means that there is a significant time gap between when the request is made and when it is put into production.
Secondly, the large number of players involved: back, front and mobile developers, UX/UI, business analyst, tester, marketing agency, customer, partner, etc., are all important. There is a need for optimal communication with all parties because sometimes the slight issue can bring to stop a large project.
Finally, there is a continuing need to challenge the need expressed by our clients in order to provide an optimal user experience.
What are the two essential assets in your job?
You have to be willing and motivated.
In your opinion, what are the challenges in the Fintech industry that Gambit will have to face?
Like any Fintech, there are a lot of challenges that we have to face. Which makes the job interesting of course.
First of all, the need to know and respect the regulatory constraints that are or may be different from those faced by the traditional banking sector.
From a technical point of view, we need to pay attention to data security. We are developing an innovative brand in the digital investment sector. But trust is earned over time and this trust must be maintained. One area we focus on to maintain that trust is security and avoiding so-called "security breaches".
There is also the marketing aspect and the need to attract investors. Fintechs are essentially a competition for banks. But the banks are starting to react and develop their own offers or own Fintechs.
Finally, we bring innovation to the market, with an approach and a philosophy that is different from that of traditional players. But the counterpart is that we need to reassure and demonstrate that we deserve the same trust as traditional banks. This takes time and a lot of pedagogy!
What is, in your opinion, the most important added value that a Gambit solution brings to its clients?
Gambit operates in the digital investment sector, both for B2C and B2B: on the one hand, with our Birdee solution for consumers; on the other hand, by helping banks and insurance companies with the challenges they face in convincing their clients to invest their savings. In both cases, we bring a fresh and young perspective and do not hesitate to challenge our clients' needs/proposals in order to come up with a solution that, although constantly evolving, is efficient and easy to use.
- Gambit in 3 words : Empathy, excellence, tenacity
- Your hobbies : Swimming, reading
- Your main character trait : Perseverance
- The phrase you say most often at work : Oufti! (Liège slang)