
Use Cases
Birdee is a subsidiary of Gambit based in Luxembourg as a registered asset manager under the monitoring of the CSSF.
The company uses Gambit technology to propose a B2C platform allowing to anyone to invest into a discretionary investment solution from 50.00 EUR.
This B2C platform was implemented in 2018 and proposes 5 model portfolio risk levels combined with 5 "flavors" :
- Real Estate
- Bio-tech
- Sustainable development
- European SMEs
- Responsible investment
An essential feature of Birdee is that the platform is easy and fun to use. There is a special focus on the user friendliness and gamification.
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BNP Paribas BPF
Digital transition is very important for BNP Paribas Private Bank France and his HQ to reduce the operational costs of the bank. The challenge for a private bank is how to harness digitalisation without loosing the tailor-made approach.
Together with the bank we have implemented a digital platform allowing the automation of portfolio management without losing the personal face to face approach.
This digital platform named "MyMand@te" will help the bank to increase the profitability of the customers with lower Assets under Management.
Furthermore the tool is tailor-made for the customers of the bank with :
- Highy personalised portfolios (>1000 possibilities)
- Personalised risk questionnaire and profile
- BNP's portfolio optimisation algorithm
Keytrade Bank's objective is to expand the scope of their service by implementing a discretionary investment platform. The bank has migrated from brokerage to advice.
As a online bank, Keytrade Bank is a pioneer in digital technology.
Gambit has developed and implemented for the bank a portfolio optimization algorithm that has been rolled out in a new investment platform named : KeyPRIVATE.
This solution is an hybrid model between algorithm and investment committee.
White labeled B2B Robo-Advisor
With our self-guided solution, you can enable your clients to set up their portfolio by themselves online. The simple user interface prompts investors to create their risk profile and select portfolios that match it. Investors can compare simulations before making a final decision and they track investments digitally. This white label discretionary management solution can be implemented in a few months.

Digital onboarding
Ensure compliant Know-your-customer (KYC) and client authentication, without having the client set foot in a branch. This also includes MIFID compliant risk profiling taking into account the risk aversion, perception, financial situation and financial literacy. The entire journey is designed to be smooth, interactive, and include notions of gamification.

Automatic advice
Thanks to our powerful algorithms, Gambit optimises and automates the portfolio management based on your investment strategy and your product universe. A comprehensive list of optimisation algorithms is at your disposal. Our solution includes a seismograph that tracks financial markets, and detects the premises of a “financial-quake”, helping you to react proactively and protect your clients’ portfolios against a crisis.

Robo solutions need to be able to adapt to different client segments. Customer knowledge and expectations can vary significantly from the retail to the wealth segment. Clients in Wealth or Private Banking segments often have their own ideas on how they want their money to be invested. In light of this, they have the ability to plug in preferences and constraints, allowing a greater level of granularity and perceived personalisation of their portfolios.

Test virtual portfolios
Before investing real money, clients can test any portfolio with virtual money. That way they get familiar with the functionalities of the platform, without putting real money at risk from the beginning. Furthermore, they can get to know the risk behavior of the selected portfolios.

Getting people to invest is one thing, to make sure you maintain the customer relationship is another. Thanks to the news-feed and chat functionalities, you can maintain an interactive and human exchange with your customers.

Advisor in the loop
The administration platform allows the advisor to keep track of his clients and provide assistance to the client by logging into the application, as if he were the client, but with restricted access. A dashboard also gives advisors an overview of their clientele and actions they could take to improve client interaction.