One-size-fits-all technology

Different client segments require different propositions. But one thing they all have in common is the need to go digital. Banks have struggled to service segments such as the mass affluents efficiently and how to industrialize wealth management.
Thanks to its common platform and modular structure, Gambit can help banks deploy multiple customer journeys based off the same platform: simple, advanced and advisory robo, face to face advisory: the core platform can optimally and efficiently support all client segments while being declined to the specifications of each one.
Benefits of this approach include economies of scale, faster time to market, investment strategies aligned to each segment, differentiated customer digital experience, increased revenue streams and customer loyalty.

One-size-fits-all technology
Type of interaction
Type of interaction
Some clients want a pure online self-serve solution, others want to sit down with an advisor to discuss their investment strategies. Others may want a mix of both. Advisors need flexible tools to meet the expectations of their customers in a digital world.
Type of management
Type of management
Our solution provides seamless end-to-end management of the client relationship whether you are advising him or managing his portfolios for him. Discretionary clients can onboard, determine their risk profile, run simulations, start investing and monitor progress online. Advisory clients benefit from a streamlined customer journey which highlights the added value of the relationship managers. Our solution allows the automation of advice, without diminishing the added-value of the advisor, who can still adapt, personalise or stop the advice coming from the Head Quarters.
Level of personalisation
Level of personalisation
Customer knowledge and expectations vary significantly from the retail to the wealth segment. Sitting with a client, advisors can run a live optimisation based on a 360° view of client holdings and generate personalised recommendations. In a discretionary mode, clients can select from a range of standard or thematic portfolios, and in more sophisticated cases, define constraints and preferences in order to build highly personalised portfolios.

A customized solution using standard bricks



With our self-guided solution, you can enable your clients to set up their portfolio by themselves online. The simple user interface prompts investors to create their risk profile and select portfolios that match it. Investors can compare simulations before making a final decision and they track investments digitally. This white label discretionary management solution can be implemented in a few months.
Advisor-Guided investment

Advisor-Guided investment

Our advisor-guided solution provides seamless end-to-end management of the client relationship whether your client is sitting next you or checking his investments online. A simple on-screen dialogue guides clients through portfolio options and helps them define their objectives. You can support their decisions by simulating proposed portfolios. Once the portfolio is set up, clients can monitor their investments online or use the website to arrange further meetings.
Pension platform

Pension platform

Give your clients the gift of looking into the future to see how their wealth will evolve once they retire, and how they can secure a better retirement plan. Once they've analysed their current lifestyle and their lifestyle expectations during retirement, identify the pension gap, see how their assets - both investments in financial markets as well as real estate and other investments - will evolve and provide them with value-adding investment advice to secure their retirement goals.
Advice communication

Advice communication

Financial advisors and wealth managers are often faced with a difficulty to distribute rebalancing advice to a larger audience. Furthermore, customers often don't take immediate action so following up with a personalised explanation is necessary. Our solution allows the automation of advice, without diminishing the added value of the advisor, who can still adapt, personalise or stop the advice coming from the Head Office.
Asset management platform

Asset management platform

Scan your assets to identify their characteristics and build a robust investment universe based on multiple risk and performance measures. Create investment strategies that you can back-test and provide to your clients.
Wealth as a Service

Wealth as a Service

Some financial institutions expect more than innovative software and maintenance from their provider. They are looking for a full or partial outsourcing of the investment service.Thanks to our B2C experience we have everything in house to develop a partnership in which we take care of a large range of additional value-added services.

Gambit Hub of modules

We have a component and micro-services based approach for faster customization and cheaper deployment costs. Our technology foundation, a digital hub with an open API structure, allows us a fast go-to-market when integrating with existing systems and allows an easier integration of third party applications.
Our clients can choose to start with quick wins or to build with us a complete end-to-end solution that fits their specific expectations and business model.
Our agile and disciplined deployment methodology cuts time-to-market, while protecting the integrity of end-clients experience.
Our solutions respect the latest security standards and are regularly audited by external specialists, including penetration tests.