News & articles

September 23, 2021
How innovation facilitates client retention
September 23, 2021
How innovation facilitates client retention
A few seconds are enough for a prospective client (and a new client) to get an idea about your brand and the digital solution that you offer. They compare you to their favourite applications such as F […]
August 25, 2021
Modernization of practices and information systems within insurance companies 
August 25, 2021
Modernization of practices and information systems within insurance companies 
How digitization has forced change in insurance Like so many other industries, insurance is increasingly reliant on digital technology to deliver and manage critical business areas that include produc […]
August 23, 2021
Digital transformation of insurance companies
August 23, 2021
Digital transformation of insurance companies
The world is becoming digital and fast. We are edging closer to an era of enhanced consumer experiences at our fingertips in every aspect of our lives. And this trend is not slowing down; evolving tec […]
August 23, 2021
Seven ways to become the main bank for all your customers' financial needs
August 23, 2021
Seven ways to become the main bank for all your customers' financial needs
How digital-first banks are winning customers over thanks to innovative technology, intuitive user experiences, and trust. When today’s customers evaluate financial institutions, they do not compare d […]
August 23, 2021
How automated solutions enable simple and transparent investment services
August 23, 2021
How automated solutions enable simple and transparent investment services
How investment services are becoming more accessible and intuitive for both consumers and neobanks thanks to innovative investment services. The desire for “transparency” is a worldwide consumer trend […]
August 23, 2021
How cutting-edge technology is opening up access to new intelligent investment services
August 23, 2021
How cutting-edge technology is opening up access to new intelligent investment services
Forward-thinking neobanks are turning to the latest technology to offer their users tailored investment solutions and opening new revenue streams in the process. Investing is all about having the abil […]
August 23, 2021
Differentiate your services to disrupt online banking
August 23, 2021
Differentiate your services to disrupt online banking
How to differentiate your online banking and mobile banking app with the latest features and tools to deliver exceptional customer personalization Virtually all bank and financial services providers r […]
August 23, 2021
Keeping your customers loyal during the rapid rise of online banking
August 23, 2021
Keeping your customers loyal during the rapid rise of online banking
How to keep customers loyal in online banking while adding the human touch at the same time Users have been gradually moving onto digital banking channels, such as online banking apps, for several yea […]
August 18, 2021
How insurance is preparing for a reimagined distribution model
August 18, 2021
How insurance is preparing for a reimagined distribution model
The global pandemic, combined with local and national restrictions, has deeply impacted insurance distribution around the world. Looking ahead, you can prepare for this shift in distribution by buildi […]
August 16, 2021
How insurers can become customer-focused through digitalization
August 16, 2021
How insurers can become customer-focused through digitalization
How digitalization creates a customer-focused business model and unlocks global scalability for insurers with the ability to form ‘borderless’ alliances. The insurance industry is rapidly changing. Th […]
December 21, 2020
Profile of the month : séverine plunus
December 21, 2020
Profile of the month : séverine plunus
Name : Plunus Severine Age : 41 years old Position: CFO Education : PhD in Management Sciences What were your reasons for joining Gambit? At the end of my studies, I got offered the opportunity to par […]
December 14, 2020
Crisis detection: detect market turbulence in the financial market
December 14, 2020
Crisis detection: detect market turbulence in the financial market
The impact of financial crises By Benjamin De Bruyne, Alejandro Marcos Detecting the emergence of crises is of paramount importance in the financial sector. Although their occurrences are relatively e […]
December 11, 2020
Birdee (week 6): progressive investment
December 11, 2020
Birdee (week 6): progressive investment
Article by Aurélie Meyer, Head of Compliance & Risk, Birdee. Still with a view to sharing experience, this week we are going to focus on a subject that is somewhat different from the previous ones, bu […]
December 09, 2020
Birdee (week 5): profile of robo-advisor users: part 2
December 09, 2020
Birdee (week 5): profile of robo-advisor users: part 2
Article by Geoffroy de Schrevel, CEO of Gambit. We launched Birdee in 2017, with a simple vision: to make money a better support for what comes next. We wanted to execute on this vision both directly […]
November 27, 2020
Profile of the month: isabelle braem
November 27, 2020
Profile of the month: isabelle braem
Name : Isabelle Braem Age : 34 years old Fonction : Squad Owner Squiree - PM IFS Education : IT Webmaster - Network Manager What’s your background before joining Gambit’s family? Before joining Gambit […]
November 18, 2020
Birdee (week 4): profile of robo-advisor users: part 1
November 18, 2020
Birdee (week 4): profile of robo-advisor users: part 1
Article by Ken Van Eesbeek, Head of R&D at Gambit. We launched Birdee in 2017, with a simple vision: to make money a better support for what comes next. We wanted to execute on this vision both direct […]