Gambit Hack’ademic : a success for this first international hackathon!

Participating in a hackathon is not a first for Gambit! But this time, it is on the organizing side that the Belgian company has placed itself.
13 teams, 52 students, 3 countries, a few dozen coaches... these are the ingredients that have made this international hackathon a real success.
Gambit Financial Solutions organised its first international hackathon on 23, 24 and 25 November at the former Brussels Event Brewery: the Gambit Hack'ademic.
During these 3 days, 13 teams of young student developers (bachelor, master or within coding schools) from Belgium, France and Switzerland worked on a collaborative project of computer programming and digital creation with the theme "Digital banking of tomorrow".
Their mission: to imagine which services could best serve the clients of tomorrow's bank ("Step into a new life with a digital bank"). Savings initiation solutions for children, budget management application for students, automatic profiling... The students, coached by Gambit teams, competed with each other in their imagination on various issues.
At the end of this weekend of intensive work, the projects were submitted to the jury for a vote, composed of members of Gambit, Microsoft, Hello Bank, the B-Hive platform, the MadKings agency and the start-up Frimgle. Among the criteria used to decide between them: "Innovation, technicality of their achievements and their involvement during the three days," says Thomas Soumagne, Head of Development at Gambit Financial Solutions. The key for the winners: Iphone X or Apple watches, but also and above all the possibility of eventually obtaining a job in the company, which continues its recruitment in a context of strong international growth.
The First Prize went to the Wild Code School in Brussels, the Innovation Prize went to Technifutur and Helmo won the jury's favourite.
"It is a great pride for Gambit to welcome all these participants who demonstrate their desire for excellence, their desire to learn, their tenacity," said Geoffroy de Schrevel, CEO of Gambit Financial Solutions, who won the first prize at the BNP Paribas International Hackathon in 2016.
For Bart Soers, Head of Value Proposition and Strategy at Hello Bank, and member of the jury, "our role as a digital bank is to be a leader in innovative solutions and this hackathon is a great opportunity to discover the developers of tomorrow".
The awards ceremony was attended by Jean-Claude Marcourt, Minister of Higher Education, Research and the Media, who reaffirmed the importance of the Hackathon, this "life experience that allows us to have a collective goal and work together". "80% of innovations are based on the ability to imagine things differently," the minister said on that occasion.
Congratulations to all the participating teams, this event was a great experience for the Gambitians!
See you in 2019 for more adventures with Gambit!
Revive the international hackathon weekend organized by Gambit in partnership with Hello Bank thanks to this after movie! Focus, fun, animations, emotions ... everything's in there!